If you're looking for foodie fun you've come to the right place! No crazy diets, just simple knowledge to help you ditch the sugar because baby, you're sweet enough.

Meet rochelle >

There you have it. No more hiding my painful truth. When my husband died, I sought comfort in sweets...particularly refined sugars. It was what I knew...as a child I was rewarded for good work with sweets. As an adult I was given sweets as a token gift of love...so I leaned into what made me feel good...until it no longer did.

I’m Rochelle, and I love food, especially sweets.

oh hey!

“I was astonished at the amount of weight my body released in such a short period. I enjoyed the energy sparked by clean food.”

Catherine k. SAYs:

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Ready to jumpstart your breakup with added sugar and live a life beyond your dreams? Click below to receive the secret first step which I used to transform my life. 

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© rochelle trotter 2023